Month: April 2018

  • Your Standard Issue Update

    I know, it's been awhile since I've updated here.

    Much has been happening in my personal life, and with Autisable.... all of it good.

    Personally, it's good to see and hear Short-Stack speak more and more words.  It seems also that he's been getting better at self-regulating his sensory issues.

    Still, a lot of projects at home to work on, but I've been pretty focused on building a business and working.  That's the biggest reason why I haven't updated in awhile.

    No news from Xanga HQ about any updates at this time.  I know, it's been awhile on that front, and I'm sure people are just reading this going - welp, no news again.

    But, if you're reading this - it means the site is still here... we're still here.  At least myself and many others.

    So - hello Xangans... :)