December 2, 2013

  • Dealing with Bullies


    I remember growing up and witnessing people being bullied.

    Either it was the smart kid who didn't dress just the right way, or the confident person who was beat down for their positive attitude.

    Bullying is an issue that I've not only been a witness to, but I've also been on the receiving end.   And, no matter what people say, it hurts.

    I'm very supportive of anti-bullying efforts - as many people with special needs (including autism) are bullied on a regular basis.


    There's a lot about bullying that needs to be said, but for the most part the person who is doing the bullying tends to get their way... a lot.


    Dealing with Bullies is even more difficult.  How can one confront a bully when others may be fearful of their actions towards them?

    This can prove to be even more problematic in the workplace - when often times someone who seems to have drive and determination - are really just bullies.


    So, what can one do when they are being bullied in the workplace, by a co-worker or even more challenging - by their supervisor?


    Many people come to me for advice on this subject, and I've always been open as to what is available to help others in tough situations.
    It's very challenging when you receive a phone call from someone  - and they are just torn on what to do.

    I've found this bit of information helpful on that subject -


    The bottom line here is that we have to remind ourselves to be kind in all that we say and do, for if and when we aren't - we may find ourselves being the bully.


    Hope this tidbit of information helps you - or friends you may know.

    Until later... be blessed.

Comments (11)

  • I'm retired now but in the medical we have coworkers who are bully and also bosses.
    If it's a dr. I talk to my nursing supervisor and she would help me.
    Now with co-workers I found out the best thing to do to a bully is just not to say anything but just look at them.
    They usually know that I'm so mad that all it would take is one more word and they don't know what I would do.
    My girlfriend would get bullied and I tried to tell her but she just couldn't do it with fire in her eye. Most of the time the person who is mean has a problem and if you go to the supervisor she would just call you both in and say,"I thought I hired adults; not children" I learned that a long time ago.

  • Unfortunate, isn't it? It is a way of life in many schools and workplaces it seems. Thought provoking post Joel.

  • I've been there. For years I walked around with a target on my back. Now one of my friends is wearing the "kick me" sign. I'm going to send her the website - she is thinking of quitting.

  • bullying is such a sad and sick thing ~ why must there be such unkindness?

    on another note, is anything new at all happening with Xanga??

    • From the last conversation I had with Marc, the team is still making sure the data transition and people's accounts are taken care of appropriately. they are still working on 2.0 as well - with much of it being behind the scenes. Wish I could provide more information, but the rest of the conversation revolved around the partner sites and what will eventually be happening to Autisable - as I'm the Lead Editor of that site.

      Suffice it to say, there are less than 50 people (more like less than 20 from what I can tell) working on ensuring 2 million accounts are taken care of appropriately. It's a big task - but they are pushing through as fast as they can.

  • Hi Joel,
    I asked a question on an earlier post; but I'll ask it here, too. How do I make sure that my Xanga account stays active after my current subscription is over (one week from today)? I can't find a way to pay & update my account.
    Also, I can't find the "Profile information" - about people on Xanga as I used to be able to do with the older Xanga. Is it somewhere that I just haven't located yet?
    Thanks for your help.

  • I just got done a week or so listening to WNYC out of New York where they had a program on dealing with bullies. Amazing some of the responses of some peoples. I know it was a problem for my son in a former school. The principal did a great job helping him out.

    • Is that an NPR station?

      I was listening to NPR and this information was shared. It's what prompted me to write this post.

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