October 3, 2014

  • A Quick Couple of Notes

    This past week has been busy, to say the least.

    Being Community Liaison has already been pretty interesting, but the real work is just getting started - and it's not about me... or John and the Team.   It's about the Community.  I see myself as a facilitator - providing a means that extra information can be organized and shared - so that decisions can be made and action taken.

    Now, I've shared with John a few things already - and will be talking with him again soon.   He will respond with a blog post based upon our discussions so as to keep the process going.

    Please keep the ideas and suggestions coming - and of course if you have an interest in actually helping - even better!

    In other news...

    Autisable is still moving forward.   I've been meeting with consultants and my CPA this week to create a company.   We have already been working with an advertiser who is promoting Autisable's social media channels, and wants to be a part of Autisable's show for The Autism Channel.  There are a couple of more advertisers showing interest as well.

    We will always be on the lookout for more advertisers. :)

    From writing a book to trying to get back into shape... life is still rather busy - even without a regular job.

    That being said, I'm always on the look out for a good opportunity. :)







Comments (12)

  • I feel much better just having you post some updates and knowing that if I need to reach the xanga team there is a familiar face can contact! Thanks!

    • Glad you feel better about it.

      It's going to be an interesting journey as we all move forward to build 2.0. Look forward to helping more as things develop. :)

  • Thanks for keeping us informed. I have to renew this month so will have to buy a cash card. Last time it was $49 even though I had life time membership. I will renew by 10 31

    • e-mail help@xanga.net to extend your account by 6 months for free. By all means feel free to renew as well - but thought I'd let you know about the 6 month extension to help you out a little. :)

  • Have you posted a working link for the Autisable page? I tried the one a couple posts back and it said the "page was coming".

    I'd like to hear exactly what new features or changes are coming to xanga because this "Xanga on a WordPress platform" isn't working for me yet. And as a longtime (over 7 years) xanga resident, I think giving this new changeover 2 years is ample+ time for leeway.

    • So far we're working behind the scenes on Autisable's content - matching up articles with Author's - rebuilding the database of users in some respect.

      Autisable.com is populated by the page that you went to a couple of posts back. It's currently referencing most of our social media outlets at this time. Feel free to click each reference and follow us on all of our social media outlets. Not included is instagram - which just launched a couple of weeks ago.

      As far as features for Xanga - the options are open. What features would you like to have? Check out wordpress plugins. Some we may use, others we may not - but could be good research in how we could improve on them. It's up to us Xangans to decide. :)

  • I agree with Rhonda above. I too would like to know all the specific changes that are being made.

    • So far, based on community response, we will aim for better commenting capabilities (tracking comments) and private messaging.

      We want to improve basic functionality first, then see where we need to improve and grow from there.

      Much of our direction will come from community feedback. What functionality would you like to see as part of Xanga?

      For ideas - check out wordpress plugins (you can google 'wordpress plugins' for ideas).

  • There are people in this community I would like to follow but do not know how it is done, if it can be done. Can you tell me how this is done or can it become part of the new xanga 2.0.

    • You should be able to at least comment and subscribe at this time. Subscribe is the same as Follow.

  • How can I view my old blog entries? Most of the I posted for personal use, so I didn't not have subscribers. I would hope they are still archived

    • Your blog posts should be archived. You should be able to log in to your account, create your archives and download them for viewing.

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