May 5, 2019

  • Adventuring into Update Land...again...

    Well, talk about a long time no see...

    Yes, I'm still here and still blogging.

    Life is always throwing curve balls, and in my life, I've been incredibly focused on my family as of late, and of course on Autisable.

    That being said, the world of Xanga had to take a back seat for a while as we got several things sorted out with Autisable.

    I'm now in the process of catching up on the rest of my online efforts, including all things Xanga.

    Seems there needs to be a smoother way to communicate directly with the Xanga team as I've answered the same questions thousands of times and the forum provided tend to be a bit more complicated.

    So, while the Xanga team is doing whatever it is they are doing... I'm pushing forward with my own efforts...

    I'll be looking into setting up a short FAQ section on Autisable to specifically address questions associated with Xanga (how it relates to Autisable, and how to deal with Account information regarding accounts on the Xanga network.

    Although Autisable is no longer a part of Xanga, there are remnants of information still remaining on their servers from the old Autisable website.  I'll explain further as this level of communication continues.

    Part of my efforts in this is to make sure the separation between Xanga and Autisable is clear, and what people can do regarding their accounts is addressed more appropriately.

    Now, Autisable's functionality is getting very close to what Xanga used to be on the front end.  Just one more level of functionality and people will be able to journal on their own accounts.

    For now, there is already a newsfeed, connecting with other members (by following), real-time notifications, and submitting content to the editors to be put onto the main page.  Once we have the last remaining piece of being able to journal on your own account, the base level of functionality of Xanga would be available on Autisable.

    The advanced items are private messages, labeling/verified accounts, and so forth.

    Let's just say, it's getting there and while all of this is going on I'm having to address thousands of blog posts and pages - making sure each has updated search engine optimization. :)

    This is the tedious, time-consuming part of what I've been up to.

    So, while much of my time has been on these other efforts, my level of communication with anything Xanga fell off the map.

    I did send an email out to John at Xanga last week.  No answer as of yet.

    Hope all is well with everyone.  Until later, back to the grind.

Comments (2)

  • Glad to see you're still blogging on Autisable. It's been sad to see Xanga disappear -- I think there's only one active blogger left of the group I knew! Hope you are doing well.

    • I'm doing good, just been extremely busy on the homefront, pushing through getting Autisable back up to speed (getting closer each day).

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