November 11, 2013

  • A General Update about the Rest of the Stuff


    It's been awhile, and so I'm compelled to provide a status update on what I've been up to.

    Xanga Team is still making sure everyone is up to speed, and I'm told that the programmer who's task it is to update Autisable and some of the partner sites will be back on track soon.

    Now, that may sound frustrating, but I've learned that everything happens for a reason - and that 'delays' are [most of the time] a blessing in disguise.

    Business Developement:

    For those following along, you know that I've been needing to create an LLC or some type of corporation to address the business side of what I do online.
    I've been blessed with some appropriate mentorship on this issue - and rather than just fill out some paperwork and pay the fees when submitting to the state and fed, I'm needing to write up a business plan.

    There's a lot of research and facts and figures to write down - so we can show that we've done our homework.   So that's the major reason for this delay in getting the business side set up.


    Autisable Live - The Concert Series:

    This has now been two years in development, and I'm more excited than ever before about how this is coming along.

    There's now a 'web' series in development that will share the vision of Autisable Live and some behind the scenes of what we're doing.   We plan on filming this series and some commercial spots soon.   This series will be for The Autism Channel, but snippets will be made available for viewing... so stay tuned.   I'll be sharing more about The Autism Channel and where you'll be able to view it in the weeks and months ahead.

    Advertising and Sponsorship opportunities are being planned while we are developing the web series, the web site, and also the concert series itself.  Hey, gotta plan on how we will fund what we're doing... right?   We're also looking at utilizing some crowdfunding as well... more on that as things develop. :)

    We're in the final stages of a promotional one sheet that will be used to share with artists and advertisers.  We're in touch with several artists and their managers already, and it's very exciting on the response we're getting from folks on making this happen.

    So, a lot of progress has been happening  - and I'm incredibly encouraged by the enthusiasm from the team of people I'm working with.


    On the Home front:

    Well... let's just say that there's a lot on the 'honey-do' list to still accomplish.  So, if I'm not addressing the the above items - or doing regular status updates or blog posts... or helping the Xanga team out... I'm working on the home - spending time with my family....  Gotta maintain priorities.

    Ok... that's the 'tip' of the iceberg.

    Amazing what happens in my spare time.. :)

    Until later...


Comments (19)

  • will Xanga 2.0 ever be like the old Xanga? like the with the Front Page and community?
    thanks guy

  • appreciate your "update", but it kind of sounds like not much has happened lately? is that accurate? or is what is happening just behind the scenes ~ stuff we cannot see? Will we SEE progress soon?? thank you ~

    • There is plenty happening, just behind the scenes. Many have shared that the Xanga team should be done by now and some think that they have a very large group of people - but the reality is that the team isn't large, and they are servicing millions of accounts and addressing site upgrades at the same time. I think we will SEE progress over time, in small batches... at least until the bulk of the people they have as priority are taken care of appropriately.... then we'll start seeing significant progress.

      At least that's my take on the current situation.

  • Thanks for the update! :-)
    Yes, family should always come first! And Honey-Do Lists are important! :-)
    Continued good luck and best wishes on the Autisable Live project and opportunities! :-) Let us know how things progress!

    • Of course I'll keep everyone posted as to the Autisable Live project! :)

      (If all goes as according to plan, there could be at least 100 xanga meetups nationwide as a by-product of this venture - both as a way for Xangans to connect, and as a means to promote Autism awareness) :)

  • Glad you're still around =D
    Family first always I respect that completely!!!!!
    much love,


  • Best of luck to you, Ed. I'm feeling a bit pessimistic about Xanga's future and would encourage you wherever possible to not become solely dependent on them.

    • I understand and thank you for your concern. Actually, I'm working with Xanga Team to get Autisable legally transferred to my own company. I do have some people to help with the technical side to expand and improve the site. We will still be working together, but I won't be dependent upon the Xanga team like I have been. They have proven valuable in information and tech support, but having others to help on the technical side of the site will alleviate this issue on my side.

      Hope this helps share with you some insight as to our plans. :)

  • Dear Ed: I received a notice from Xanga that my prime membership has been revoked as of the end of October. I sent Xanga a credit card amount for $96 during the effort to save it and I understood that my prime status would be continued for another 2 years if the drive was successful. Could you kindly look into this for me as you seem to have access to them. Hope you can help...


    Pete Manos

    • Sure it's not for 2014 expiration? either way, feel free to touch base with the team at If you are experiencing a delay in response, feel free to touch base with me.

      Hope that helps.

  • Don't get me wrong, Edlives, we appreciate what you do. But it seems like we aren't learning anything new with these updates. The Xanga Team knows we want to hear from them, so why have they been "behind the scenes" for all these months?

    Also, why are they wasting their time with "millions" of inactive blogs? Why not just concentrate on the people that actually paid money and the people that signed in in the past year as opposed to the past 5 years? They are wasting time archiving people that most likely are never coming back, and every minute Xanga 2 remains incomplete, current and prospective users are driven away.

    • Actually, these updates are becoming more about what I'm doing - not too much more on what the Xanga team is doing, unless specified.

      You have several good questions, and I wish I have more of an answer at this time - but I don't. Not yet, anyways.

  • I've been away for awhile, and I am a bit confused. 1. Are you part of the Xanga Team?
    2. What is this about Autisable Live? Sounds interesting. 3. I can't seem to find anyone's "Profile" anymore. How do I access that? I have plenty more questions, but I'll work with the system and see what I can figure out. Sounds like you have more than enough on your "plate" with all that you do. Thanks. (p.s. - are you Ed or are you Joel?)

    • Welcome back.

      No, I'm not part of the Xanga Team. I'm a xangan who manages, a partner site.

      AutisableLive is a concert series I'm working on with half a dozen businesses and organizations - to promote Autism Awareness. I'll share more on this as things become more solidified. :)

      You can call me Joel, or Ed, or Edlives. (my real name is joel... I've been writing as edlives for quite some time, so there's no worries on that note)

      Yes, I do a lot... but it's fun. :)

      I will answer what I can, but feel free to contact for specific questions regarding your account.

      Hope i answered your questions.

  • Thank you for the answers, Joel. I shall try out that link to learn about this new Xanga site. I will look forward to hearing more about Autisable Live. :-) Carolyn

  • You're still here.

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